Ever wanted to know more about the sustainability issues of the subject you study, or the industry you work in?
The S.I.T.E could help you find out more!
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The S.I.T.E is a dynamic, constantly evolving and interactive resource: The subject areas section provides an online discussion forum for each of the sections so that practitioners can share information and discussions on sustainability within their field. Users are encouraged to add information, weblinks and documents to the subject areas via the ‘Upload Information’ pages, thus evolving and enriching the site for future users.
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Phase one of the S.I.T.E: From Conception to Birth
The first phase of The S.I.T.E project is fast approaching completion! In only a matter of days, each page of The S.I.T.E's web content will be fully loaded, linked and operational. Phase one will also involve trialing of the S.I.T.E workshops using thesite.eu itself, amongst staff an students at Plymouth College of Art. Whilst prototypes of the S.I.T.E workshop materials have already been used by a range of tutors from different academic disciplines, we have never before had the chance to use the materials in conjunction with thesite.eu subject area searches and information. Case studies from tutors attending the workshops will then be added to the S.I.T.E to act as further guidance for workshop users.
Having established the site itself, Phase two of The S.I.T.E will involve further development of thesite.eu according to feedback. The website will of course be in a continual process of development as it is used; new subject area information will be added on a regular basis as S.I.T.E users send in information and resources via the Upload Information page. The Art & Design subject areas will be the initial main focus of develepment, as thesite.eu is being developed by a specialist art college. However, in order to help the S.I.T.E reach its full potential, we will soon be seeking development partner colleges from other subject specialist areas across a broad range of both FE and HE sectors.
Other development plans include seeking further funding for the ongoing administration of thesite.eu, promoting the S.I.T.E through national educational conferences on sustainability and adding workshop resources that have been created by others working in the feild of ESD.